Flat Stanley is a Soccer star
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Once upon a time there lived a boy named Flat Stanley. He went to Soccer matches on Sundays. This time he is versing the 'Granola bars'. Flat Stanley's team's name is 'Patato' and his shirt is light brown with little white. Flat Stanley runs right into the car with his 'Patato' team's shirt. The car started to move. Flat Stanley's brother Auther was starting to wear his shirt. He was in the 'Granola bar' team. As Auther and Stanley reached the soccer stadium they saw their coach and some other kids waiting even though they were not late. As Flat Stanley and Auther ran to the field, they saw the ball was not pumped. Flat Stanley thought and asked the coach, where his pump was and he answered," In the room after you open the door". And the coach said again,"The door is locked." Auther quickly looked at Stanley. He was wearing his Granola bar team shirt an...