Story 1: After the Escape (Part 15)

     Read "Escaping again", "Surprise", "Noticed", "The Plan", "The Reversal Potion", "The Meeting", "Substitute teacher", "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this. You can also read "Run!"

Alice followed Sean outside and saw Nero and Saddie there.

"You guys got the MBs?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, we did," Nero said. "How did you and Alice get completely wet?"

"I'll tell you later," Sean said.

"Okay," Nero said.

"They have a new type of gun called Stunners," Sean said.

 "That is a kind of obvious name," Nero commented.

"Yeah, it is," Sean said.

"Did they used it on you and Alice?" Nero asked.

"Yes," Alice said before Sean could reply. "They used it on him like twenty times. Getting hit by it once knocks you out for like an hour."

"They thought I was going to escape again," Sean said.

Just then, Lana, Eric, Zack, and Connor walked outside. Sean hugged Lana.

"Why are you, Alice, Zack, and Connor completely wet?" Eric asked.

"I'll tell all of you later," Sean said still hugging Lana tightly.

"Let's go back to Finn," Lana said.

There was a flash of light and they appeared in a room. Finn was in it.

"You got the MBs?"

Nero and Saddie nodded.

"Good," Finn said. "Why are a lot of you completely wet?"

"Sean, can you tell us now?" Zack asked as everybody sat down.

"I don't have a chair," Lana said.

"You can sit on Sean," Zack said.

"Or you can get another chair," Sean said.

"I think you are more comfortable," Lana said.

Sean rolled his eyes but allowed Lana to sit on him.

"Sean now tell us," Zack said.

"Fine," Sean said and then explain why he was wet.

"You come up with weird escaping techniques," Eric said.

"True," Sean said.

"This is kind of off topic but did Zack actually ask the principal of the school for presents because he thought he was Santa Claus when he was eight?" Alice asked.

"Yeah," Sean said.

"Sean! Why did you have to reveal that?" Zack shouted.

Lana quickly got of Sean, knowing that Zack would attack him. As soon as she got off Zack attacked him.

"You have to promise you won't reveal anything else embarrassing about me," Zack said pinning Sean onto his chair.

"It is kind of hard for him to promise stuff when he can't speak," Lana said. "Also, stop attacking him."

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Zack asked.

"This," Lana said, kicking Zack and making him release Sean.

Zack turned to Lana and attacked her.

"Don't attack my future wife," Sean shouted and tackled Zack. "Wait, what did I say?"

"This is too much," Eric said. "Why me?" He then ran out of the room.


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