Story 1: Run! (Part 7.5)

  Read "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this.

Eric walked over to Sean and Lana who were sitting on a bench in a park.

"Hi, Eric," Lana said. "I was wondering how long it would take you to notice us."

"Hi, have you guys kissed yet?" Eric asked.

"No, of course not," Sean said, while Lana said, "yes, of course, we did."

Lana jumped off the bench and started running away from Eric.

"Wha-" Sean was cut off by Eric pinning him onto the bench.

"Why did you say that you did that in front of an innocent eleven-year-old?" Eric said.

"I didn't say that. Lana did," Sean said.

Eric let go of Sean and screamed "Lana!" He then started running after her.


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