Story 1: Escape (Part 7)

 Read "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this.

"What was that about?" Eric asked.

"Did you tell them anything?" Zack asked Finn.

"I told them some stuff," Finn said.

"He literally only told them that there a group of people who are trying to take over the world," Sean said.


"You only told them that much?" Zack asked.

"Yes, yes, I only told them that much," Finn said.

"Okay," Zack said. "There is a group of people who are trying to create a potion that lets them make everybody do what they want them to do.  The trick is that you only have to smell the potion for them to get control of you. The potion is made out of a set of ingredients called minibases or MBs. There are fifty-one MBs.Before they knew fifty of them MBs, so we had to try to stop them. While trying to stop them all of us got captured except Sean. He managed to steal the list of MBs which they only had one copy of. He then destroyed the list, so they had to restart. Right now they only have twelve of the MBs."

"Okay," Eric said. "So, we need to escape."

"Yes," Zack said. "Sean do you have a plan?"

"Partially," Sean said. "I think you can probably break the door, so us two together and Alice might be able to defeat the guards."

"How do you know I can fight?" Alice asked surprised.

"I know a lot of stuff," Sean said. "Lana maybe you can disable the security cameras to give us more time."

"I'll also take a picture of this room just in case we need it later," Lana said.

"Sure," Sean said. "We can take the guard's keys to open the front door and escape."

"Great, this is kind of based on luck though," Nero said.

"Yeah, but it is the only way I can think of right now," Sean said.

"Okay, let's do it," Saddie said.

Zack walked over to the door kicked it. The door fell forward onto the two guards in front of him. Zack grabbed the keys from both of the guards and handed them to Eric.

"What if I drop them?" Eric said.

"You can give them to Sean or you can escape through the front door right now and wait for us outside," Zack said.

"Okay," Eric said and ran towards the front door. Next to the front door, there were two guards. One of the guards attacked Eric. Eric froze as the guard's hand moved towards him. Suddenly he was pushed out of the way by Sean.

"Go," Sean shouted. Eric unfroze and unlocked the door using the key and ran outside.

Sean and Zack managed to defeat the two guards at the door and run outside.

"Sean!" Lana shouted. "Are you okay?"

Just then Eric noticed that Sean's left hand was covered in blood.

"Sean, use these bandages," Lana said handing Sean a few bandages.

"Yup, definitely in love," Eric said.


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