Story 1: Escaping again (Part 14)

    Read "Surprise", "Noticed", "The Plan", "The Reversal Potion", "The Meeting", "Substitute teacher", "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this. You can also read "Run!"

Sean was in a room that was similar to Lana's but slightly smaller. His room had five guards inside it, and ten guards outside. He was supposed to wait for Zack and Connor to help him escape, but they had captured Lana and Eric, and Zack and Connor didn't know that. 

Sean started to stand up and immediately the five guards inside the room surrounded him.

"I am not trying to escape right now," Sean said. "I was just trying to go to the restroom."

The guards looked at him suspiciously as he entered the restroom, though they didn't follow him inside.

Sean looked around the restroom for some sort of weapon. Then he got an idea. He closed the drain in the sink and turned it on. The sink started filling up with water. He quickly left the restroom, to make sure the guards didn't think he was trying to escape. Now he just had to wait till the whole restroom filled with water.

He waited in the room for three hours before the guards heard the noise of the water hitting the door in the restroom.

"What's that noise?" Sean asked, even though he knew exactly what it was.

"Shut up," one of the guards said looking at the door suspiciously.

He walked closer to the door.

"I was jus-" Sean was cut of by one of the guards opening the door. A large amount of water flooded the room. Sean knew that this was going to happen and quickly grabbed one of the Stunners from the guard. He quickly stunned all of the guards.

He didn't know whether he could stun all ten guards outside before they could stun him.

Suddenly the door opened and Zack stepped in only to get completely covered in water. Sean managed to get to the restroom and turn of the sink.

"What happened here?" Zack asked.

"Um..." Sean said. "I'll tell you later."

"Okay," Zack said. "Connor is getting Alice."

"Lana and Eric also got captured," Sean said.

Just then the door opened again and Connor and Alice walked in.

"What happened here?" Connor asked.

"I'll tell you later," Sean said.

Alice turned to Zack and whispered, "he is acting weird."

"Yeah, he is," Zack said. "Maybe, they cloned him."

"I heard that," Sean said. "I am not a clone."

"That's exactly what a clone would say," Zack said.

"That is also exactly what a person who isn't a clone would say," Sean said.

"Whatever. Alice, you go with clone Sean. Though he might be dangerous, so feel free to use your fighting skills on him. Maybe we should give you some extra protection because he is like twelve years older than you."

"I am not a clone," Sean shouted. While Alice shouted, "I am not a five-year-old."

"When did I say you were a five-year-old?" Zack asked.

"You said I was twelve years younger than Sean, and he is seventeen," Alice said.

"Oh, oops," Zack said. "And Sean you are a clone."

"I am not," Sean said. "Do I have to remind you of the time when you were eight, and you thought that the principal was Santa Claus so you asked him for gifts?" 

"That does sound like something Sean would say, but they probably gave you all of his memories," Zack said.

"How about we just go save Lana and Eric?" Sean groaned.

"Okay, but you and Alice are leaving right now, and Connor and I are saving them."



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