Story 1: Noticed (Part 12)

  Read "The Plan", "The Reversal Potion", "The Meeting", "Substitute teacher", "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this. You can also read "Run!"

A person walked over to a guard. "Anything?"

"No, but I'll check again," the guard said. The guard walked over to the monitor and looked at the ventilation shafts. "Sir, there are two people in the ventilation shafts."

The person looked at the monitors. His eyes narrowed. "That is Sean, but who is the second person."

"They must have come to steal the MBs we already have," the guard said panicked.

"Send a team to the ventilation shafts," the person ordered.

The guard nodded and hurried off.

The person looked at the monitors again. Sean probably wouldn't make the same mistake of going in the ventilation shafts again. He had to know there were cameras there. Unless he wanted them to see him as a distraction from the people who were actually trying to steal the MBs. So, where were the people who were actually trying to steal the MBs? He carefully studied the monitors. He then noticed one of the videos shaking slightly. Somebody was there.

"Guards," the person called. "There is somebody in that room," he said, pointing towards the monitor.

A few guards left and went towards the room he was pointing to. 

The person sat back down in his chair and started drinking water.


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