Story 1: Surprise (Part 13)

   Read "Noticed", "The Plan", "The Reversal Potion", "The Meeting", "Substitute teacher", "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this. You can also read "Run!"

Lana was standing next to Eric in the room which they got captured in when she heard footsteps. "Hide."

"Where?" Eric asked.

Lana looked around the room. It was completely empty.

"Um... let's go to the nex-" Lana was cut off by the door being slammed open by a guard. 

The guard pulled out something which looked like a gun. Lana saw a flash of light before she fell unconscious. 

Lana woke up in a room with two guards in it. There were two doors inside the room. One lead to a restroom and the other lead outside.

"You are awake," one of the guards said.

"Does that gun stun people?" Lana asked.

"Yes, they are called the stunners," the second guard said.

The first guard turned to the second. "Don't give her information."

"Fine, whatever. Can we tell Sean we caught her?" the second guard said.

"What happened to not giving information?" the first guard said.

"But I want to see his reaction."

"Fine, tell him."

The second guard stood up and went outside. A few minutes later, he returned.

"I told him."

"His reaction?"

"Completely surprised."


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