Story 1: The Meeting (Part 9)

   Read "Substitute teacher", "Escape", "Introductions", "Captured", "Missions", "Questions", "F51?", and "The Flash of Light" before you read this. You can also read "Run!".

Eric stared at the watch and waited. It was 4:59 right now, in one minute there was going to be a meeting.
Suddenly there was a flash of light. He appeared in a room.
"Hello," Finn said.
"Hi," Eric said, glancing at everyone else.
"Why are we here today?" Alice asked.
"We are planning to infiltrate the place we got captured in and steal the MBs," Finn said. 
"Seriously, we are trying to get into the place we just got out of?" Alice said, and Sean and Eric started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Saddie asked.
"Eric said the same thing when I told him about," Sean said.
"How did you tell him about it?" Alice asked.
Eric grinned. "He is my substitute math teacher."
"He is also my substitute science teacher and Saddie's substitute history teacher," Connor said.
"What?" Alice said. "I am the only person who didn't get him for any of my classes!"
"I didn't get him either," Zack said.
Alice glared at him, "You don't even go to school."
"Exactly," Zack said. "So I didn't get him for any class."
"Let's get back on topic," Finn said. "We have to infiltrate the place where we were captured. Any ideas?"
"We probably want two people to distract the guards, maybe pretend to infiltrate the place, so they don't search for other intruders," Sean said.
"And we want a backup team for the people who are actually trying to steal the MBs," Nero said.
"And a few people should stay behind in case we get captured," Zack added.
"The guards should know the people who are distracting so they take action more quickly," Sean said.
"True, so you, Lana, Zack, or I should be distracting," Nero said. "I think Saddie and I can steal the MBs because we are sneaky. I think Eric and Lana should be back up for us because Eric is the smallest and Lana can disable the cameras."
"But I want to go with Lana," Sean said blushing. "Wait, what did I say?"
"I am going to ignore that comment for now and continue," Nero said smiling faintly. "That means that either Sean or Zack should be distracting, but not both of you together because they would expect you to go with Eric, Saddie, Alice, or Connor. I think they know Sean better than Zack, so Zack you are part of the backup in case we get captured. Now the only question is who should come with Sean?"
"So, either Alice or Connor," Sean said. "Do either of you want to go?"
Both of them shrugged.
"I am assuming we are going through the vents again so I think it will be easier for Alice," Nero said.
"We are going through vents again?" Sean said.
"Yeah probably, we can figure out the whole plan next meeting," Nero said.
Sean groaned, "Vents again? Same time tomorrow?"
"Sure," Nero said.
There was a another flash of light and they all returned to where they were before.


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